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July 23, 2021

Shifting A Column One Row Up In Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Shifting a column up or down for one row is something Power Query can’t do on it’s own. It’s nonetheless simple to do, just follow the steps below. In our example our data

July 14, 2021

Why you should convert implicit measures to explicit in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When learning Power BI you’ll quickly encounter the concept of measures. They may seem confusing at first glance, but they are actually simple and powerful tools. Make measures your friends and you’ll level-up

June 21, 2021

Excel Calendar 2010-2030 With Holidays

Author: Branka Trifunović

Identifying holiday dates often appears as challenge in Excel. In this article we list formulas you can use to identify American holidays along with two important days: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The U.S. government recognizes 10 federal holidays. January

May 31, 2021

Count Table Rows in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When working with data in Power BI, we often create new custom tables using fields and measures from multiple tables. If we’re not careful we can quickly create redundantly large tables. Unfortunately, Power

May 24, 2021

ggplot2 With Table of Values

Author: Branka Trifunović

When plotting charts, we often want to see the actual values listed as a table. Bellow we created ggplot2 plot with neatly listed values bellow the plot. We used AirPassengers sample dataset in R and added “K” formatting for example’s

May 17, 2021

Get the last Four Quarters in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When viewing business reports, we often want to see data in the last quarter, last two quarters, etc. To that end we can create a table that contains only the last few quarters

May 10, 2021

Power BI: R Script Using Multiple Queries

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When we insert Run R script step in our query we get the table stored in a variable called dataset. If we want to edit tables from other queries we first have to

February 12, 2021

Running External R Scripts in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Writing R script in Power BI can be an uneasy task, since there is no variable explorer. That’s why we usually write our script in R and then import them into Power BI.

January 29, 2021

R and Power BI – Debugging

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When debugging scripts we usually follow values of variables. R script editor in Power BI unfortunately doesn’t provide a variable list, which can make debugging frustrating. We can use a trick proposed by

January 13, 2021

R and Power BI – Dates

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Working with dates with Power BI requires an extra steps, since R doesn’t recognize date data automatically. Let’s look at the following example. We have a table with columns Date and Price. Column

December 18, 2020

R and Power BI – Introduction and Examples

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). R is a programming language for statistical analysis of data. It’s open source and supported with over 15 000 packages, covering specific areas. Alongside powerful packages it provides print quality visualization of data.

November 27, 2020

Unpivoting Data

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Unpivoting data is a problem we can encounter when shaping data. Data is often distorted in one way or another. One daunting problem is data that’s already pivoted, like in the example below.

November 20, 2020


Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Function VALUES() Function VALUES() returns a column of unique values. Function takes in initial filter context that comes from visualizations and slicers. You can find more on filter context in Filter context in

November 13, 2020

DAX function SWITCH

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Function SWITCH() reads the value of the expression, compares it and returns a result from a pre-defined list. It is a key function used with unconnected table. Syntax SWITCH(Expression, Value1, Result1 [, Value

November 6, 2020

DAX function IF

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Function IF() evaluates the expression to TRUE or FALSE and returns the value specified for each outcome. Syntax IF(LogicalTest, ValueIfTrue, [ValueIfFalse]) Parameter Description LogicalTest Expression evaluated as TRUE or FALSE ValueIfTrue Value returned

October 30, 2020

DAX function FILTER

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). FILTER() is a function that filters a table and returns the remaining rows. It is similar to function CALCULATE(). The difference is FILTER() returns a filtered table and CALCULATE() returns value of the

October 23, 2020


Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). CALCULATE() function is the most important function in DAX language. It’s almost the only function that can change the filter context coming from visualizations. You can read more on filter context in articles

October 9, 2020

X-functions in DAX

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). X-functions in DAX are iterator functions. This means they are aware of rows. For example, function SUMX() calculates the sum of expression for each row separately. You can find more on row context

October 2, 2020

DAX functions

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Let’s look at the most common functions we use when working with DAX. All functions in this article (except for the function DIVIDE) are aggregator functions. This means they take a column (or

September 25, 2020

Context Transition in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Filter context, row context and context transition from row to filter context are most challenging topics when learning DAX. We have already talked about filter and row context in previous articles Filter Context

September 18, 2020

Row Context in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Row context is a property of calculated columns and some functions of being aware of rows within calculations. Row context means that the function travels through every row separately. Expression is calculated for

September 11, 2020

Filter Context in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Understanding filter context is key when working with Power BI. Filter context and context propagation are important concepts we have to understand, if we really want to understand DAX. Initial filter context Initial

September 4, 2020

Implicit and Explicit Measures in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Measures Measure is a formula that tells Power BI what to do with data. Most often measures are aggregations, for example sum, average, count, etc. Power Bi knows implicit and explicit measures. We

August 28, 2020

Power Query: M functions

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). M language enables us to create powerful transformations in Power Query editor. We use custom functions for steps that repeat often in data editing. We already saw how to create custom function in

August 21, 2020

Drill Down in Power Query

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Drill Down enables us to select a value from a table cell. Value can be saved as a new object or query and then used in further data manipulation. Instead of selecting a

August 14, 2020

Introduction to M language

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Query editor is a capable data editor in Power BI Desktop. Transformations made in Power Query are written in M language. Understanding M is not necessary, but can be a powerful asset for

August 7, 2020

Power Query objects

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Power Query knows several types of objects. Queries can be of type table, list, row or function. Let’s look at how we create different types of objects and convert between them. Tables Tables

July 31, 2020

Appending Queries

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Every Power BI project starts with many queries. Whenever possible, we append queries. We always work toward a star schema, meaning one large fact table and several smaller dimension tables. More on star

July 15, 2020

International Bussines Communication Standards

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). International Business Communication Standards or IBCS is a set of rules for unified look of business reports. Rules cover shapes and colors for all report elements like charts, tables, schemes and labels. Let’s

July 15, 2020

Dynamic filtering using a list in Power Query

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). In shaping data, we often need to compare two tables and filter one based on the other. In this article we’ll show how to remove the rows from a table, that appear in

July 15, 2020

Row-level security in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When handling data we need a system for handling user’s rights. We usually don’t want users to access entire database tables. Row-level security controls access at a row level. We can restrict access

June 15, 2020

5 best practices for data modeling

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI Desktop version 2.76.5678.782 (January 2020). Data model is the core of every Power BI project. Building a good data model is crucial. In this article, we present 5 best practices to make sure your data model runs smoothly.

June 15, 2020

Q&A in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI f version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Q&A is one of the most powerful features of Power BI. It enables us to ask questions in simple Natural Query Language. We can simply browse and visualize data. We can plot

June 15, 2020

Time Functions in DAX Language

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI Desktop version 2.76.5678.782 (January 2020). Time functions in DAX language enable us to filter data to a particular date, period between two dates, Year to Date and similar. Time functions only work if we have a set calendar

June 15, 2020

Monthly and YTD Slicer in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI Desktop version 2.76.5678.782 (January 2020). We usually want to track business data like revenue, plan and forecast on a monthly or YTD basis. YTD or Year to Date is a function, that aggregates data from the beginning of

June 14, 2020

Dynamic Removal of Rows in Power Query for All the Files in a Folder

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll remove unnecessary rows for all the files inside a folder and merge them in one single table. Data files often contain metadata like time of creation, location, author, etc. Metadata usually takes up the first few

June 14, 2020

Dynamic Removal of Rows in Power Query

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll see how to remove appropriate number of irrelevant rows in Power Query editor. We often work with data that starts with description like time of creation, location, author, etc. This metadata usually takes up first few

June 14, 2020

Dynamic Calendar in Power BI with CALENDARAUTO()

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll create a dynamic calendar in Power BI using CALENDARAUTO() function. Calendar is the most important table in Power BI data model. We have seen how calendar table looks in our Calendar in Power BI article. We

June 14, 2020

Dynamic Calendar in Power Query Using an M Function

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll create a dynamic calendar in Power Query editor, using a function written in M language. Calendar table is the most important table of Power BI model. We have seen how it looks in our Calendar in

June 14, 2020

Create a Dynamic Calendar in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll cover how to create a dynamic calendar in Power BI, using the Power Query Editor. Calendar table is the most important table in Power BI model. We use it to connect to big fact tables and

June 14, 2020

Calendar in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

In this article we’ll discuss what the calendar table looks like and how to use it in Power BI model. Calendar table is the most important part of Power BI model. Every data table usually contains dates, which means we

June 14, 2020

Preparing Work Environment in Power BI Desktop

Author: Branka Trifunović

This article covers best practices for setting Power BI Desktop version 2.76.5678.782 (January 2020). Power BI consists of Power BI Desktop and Every Power Bi project starts in Power BI Desktop. Properly setting up our work environment is crucial. In

June 14, 2020

Power BI – 5 Benefits

Author: Branka Trifunović

Data is the core of modern business, and Excel has traditionally been the go-to tool for all reporting needs. But Excel of today is hardly equipped to handle masses of data we collect. A new tool, Power BI, delivers a

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