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July 23, 2021

Shifting A Column One Row Up In Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Shifting a column up or down for one row is something Power Query can’t do on it’s own. It’s nonetheless simple to do, just follow the steps below. In our example our data

July 14, 2021

Why you should convert implicit measures to explicit in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When learning Power BI you’ll quickly encounter the concept of measures. They may seem confusing at first glance, but they are actually simple and powerful tools. Make measures your friends and you’ll level-up

June 21, 2021

Excel Calendar 2010-2030 With Holidays

Author: Branka Trifunović

Identifying holiday dates often appears as challenge in Excel. In this article we list formulas you can use to identify American holidays along with two important days: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The U.S. government recognizes 10 federal holidays. January

May 31, 2021

Count Table Rows in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When working with data in Power BI, we often create new custom tables using fields and measures from multiple tables. If we’re not careful we can quickly create redundantly large tables. Unfortunately, Power

May 24, 2021

ggplot2 With Table of Values

Author: Branka Trifunović

When plotting charts, we often want to see the actual values listed as a table. Bellow we created ggplot2 plot with neatly listed values bellow the plot. We used AirPassengers sample dataset in R and added “K” formatting for example’s

May 17, 2021

Get the last Four Quarters in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When viewing business reports, we often want to see data in the last quarter, last two quarters, etc. To that end we can create a table that contains only the last few quarters

May 10, 2021

Power BI: R Script Using Multiple Queries

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When we insert Run R script step in our query we get the table stored in a variable called dataset. If we want to edit tables from other queries we first have to

February 12, 2021

Running External R Scripts in Power BI

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Writing R script in Power BI can be an uneasy task, since there is no variable explorer. That’s why we usually write our script in R and then import them into Power BI.

January 29, 2021

R and Power BI – Debugging

Author: Branka Trifunović

For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). When debugging scripts we usually follow values of variables. R script editor in Power BI unfortunately doesn’t provide a variable list, which can make debugging frustrating. We can use a trick proposed by

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