For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Unpivoting data is a problem we can encounter when shaping data. Data is often distorted in one way or another. One daunting problem is data that’s already pivoted, like in the example below.
For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Drill Down enables us to select a value from a table cell. Value can be saved as a new object or query and then used in further data manipulation. Instead of selecting a
For Power BI version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). International Business Communication Standards or IBCS is a set of rules for unified look of business reports. Rules cover shapes and colors for all report elements like charts, tables, schemes and labels. Let’s
For Power BI f version 2.76.5678.782 (December 2019). Q&A is one of the most powerful features of Power BI. It enables us to ask questions in simple Natural Query Language. We can simply browse and visualize data. We can plot
In this article we’ll discuss what the calendar table looks like and how to use it in Power BI model. Calendar table is the most important part of Power BI model. Every data table usually contains dates, which means we
This article covers best practices for setting Power BI Desktop version 2.76.5678.782 (January 2020). Power BI consists of Power BI Desktop and Every Power Bi project starts in Power BI Desktop. Properly setting up our work environment is crucial. In
Data is the core of modern business, and Excel has traditionally been the go-to tool for all reporting needs. But Excel of today is hardly equipped to handle masses of data we collect. A new tool, Power BI, delivers a